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Employee Kiosks



These systems use a dedicated screen to create an easy to use, two way interface for all manner of company communications that would otherwise have to be done via the POS terminals or the manager’s PC.


More info

An employee kiosk is a great way for operators to connect with many

employees at multiple sites.


These screens are most often installed in the back of the house at or

near the employee break area.


The screens are usually small to midsized touch computers or tablets

that are surface mounted at eye level on a wall above a counter top or



Employee kiosk screens are usually equipped with a standard keyboard

and mouse and are connected to dedicated power and data outlets.

These outlets are usually recessed into the wall behind the screen.


If space is limited there are wall mounted assemblies that can support a                                                                                    screen, a keyboard with a touchpad mouse, and concealed power and                                                                                            data outlets providing a complete a standalone solution.


Here are some examples of how employee kiosk screens are                                                                                                              commonly used:


  •      Employee Training Programs


  •      Communications with Human Resources


  •      Scheduling and Calendar Items


  •      New Programs and Promotions


  •      General Announcements

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